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FollowVidya daan Mahan Daan. If we contribute charity of knowledge or Education, it is the greatest charity. In an age, where 85% of in IIT JEE seats go to Kota Factory or Big coaching students. In an age where even lower middle have put their faith in budget private schools , and even maids in Bangalore ...
Read MoreVidya daan Mahan Daan. If we contribute charity of knowledge or Education, it is the greatest charity. In an age, where 85% of in IIT JEE seats go to Kota Factory or Big coaching students. In an age where even lower middle have put their faith in budget private schools , and even maids in Bangalore are spending upwards of 50K per year towards their daughter's education. Dakshana and JNV have germinated few seeds, who have cracked IIT JEE and have got very good seats. EkPahal is helping these students with admission fees. We have already paid seat acceptance for 17 students from 6 states (8 IITs, 6 NITs, 2 GFTI, contribution varying from from 7K to 30K costing a total of 3.5 lakhs) We then paid partial admissions for 7 students for NITs/IITs/IIITs ( costing 4K to 30K ) Most of the Donation has come from a single person, Umesh Prasad, B.Tech IIT Kanpur MME, 2006 passout who got similar help in counselling fee in 2001 (from his Physics teacher) and admission fee (from Lions Club Ranchi) 20 years back in 2001. We request the the Junta to please contribute to this Noble cause and help a family in poverty to send their kid to IITs/IIITs/NITs. The families can be seen here in pics.
" The educational terrain in India, especially for poor children, is very harsh – almost barren. Even a good seed will wilt away in the absence of any soil to nurture it. We should endeavour to prepare a fistful of soil every day to help these seeds germinate. Therein lies hope and this will lend meaning to our lives."
- Padam Shri Arvind Gupta (IIT Kanpur, 1975)
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1. You must have cleared NEET/AIIMS
You'll be rewarded with scholarship and the amount will be depending upon your needs and interview.
This is a drive to raise funds for Admission
Admission fee will be provided to selected beneficiaries after due diligence.
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Your donation will reach to needy students directly in their bank account.
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Note: Please inform the nominated student to expect an invitation via email or SMS, which will include a unique reference code ' 'XXXXXX' '. They must use this code when filling out their scholarship application form to ensure their application is processed correctly.
Note: This is a new feature in Kind Circle.
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Bangalore, Karnataka, Guatemala
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